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Cardiovascular training usually falls under one of two categories, anaerobic or aerobic.
Resistance training is a form of anaerobic training, but its primary function or purpose is to help develop muscle mass and strength. Here's a few examples of resistance training to be considered
Flexibility and rehabilitation training is usually performed following an injury, or if flexibility of a joint or muscle is limited.
For example someone may have a flexibility issue with their knee preventing them from performing a squat or kicking a football without any discomfort, in this case professional help can be sort from a healthcare professional who will provide a form of flexibility or rehabilitation program to be undertaken.
Resistance training is another term usually used for weight training, it's exercising a muscle group or body part by having to exert force on an object or task, such as lifting a weight sprinting
Resistance training helps maintain a strong and healthy body, by encouraging lean muscle mass to either maintain or develop, this additional muscle mass is also useful when looking to drop a few pounds of body fat, because the more lean mass you maintain the higher your metabolic rate or calorific requirement will be
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